Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Jihad's New Heartlands: New Book For Gabriel Tabarani

AuthorHouse, the US-based publisher headquartered in Indiana, is pleased to announce an upcoming publication by well-known author and journalist, Gabriel G Tabarani entitled JIHAD’S NEW HEARTLANDS: How the West has Failed to Contain Islamic Fundamentalism. The publishing date will be announced soon.

For nearly a year-and-a-half Mr Tabarani has travelled and researched extensively the World’s Islamic fundamentalist breeding grounds including, amongst others: Afghanistan, Pakistan (Kashmir, Baluchistan and Waziristan), Russia (Chechnya and Ingushetia), Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, the Philippines, the African Sub-Sahara countries and Yemen.
Gabriel G Tabarani is a recognised expert on Middle East and North African affairs. He graduated from the French University in Beirut (St Joseph) specialising in Political and Economic Sciences. He started his working life in 1973 as a reporter and journalist for the pan-Arab magazine “Al-Hawadess” in Lebanon later becoming its Washington, D.C. correspondent. He subsequently moved to London in 1979 joining “Al-Majallah” magazine as its Deputy Managing Editor. In 1984 joined “Assayad” magazine in London initially as its Managing Editor and later as Editor-in-Chief. Following this, in 1990 he joined “Al-Wasat” magazine (part of the Dar-Al-Hayat Group) in London as a Managing Editor.

Mr Tabarani has already authored four books. The first “The Tears of the Horizon” is a love story. The second “The Winter of Discontent in The Gulf” (1991) focuses on the first Gulf war sparked by Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait. His third book is entitled “Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: From Balfour Promise to Bush Declaration: The Complications and the Road to a Lasting Peace” (March 2008). The fourth and most recent book is titled “How Iran Plans to Fight America and Dominate the Middle East” (October 2008).
Furthermore, he wrote the memoirs of national security advisor to US President Ronald Reagan, Mr Robert McFarlane, serializing them in “Al-Wasat” magazine over 14 episodes in 1992.

For more information please contact:
Joven Morales
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Bloomington, IN 47403, USA
Tel: 1-800 839 8640

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