Wednesday, September 24, 2008

ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN CONFLICT: From Balfour Promise To Bush Declaration

Author House, an Indiana, USA based publishing house announced the release of a new book titled: “Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: From Balfour Promise to Bush Declaration - The Complications and The Road for a Lasting Peace”

The author, Gabriel G. Tabarani, is a very well known and respected specialist on Middle East affairs. He has been involved in journalism in Beirut and London as a reporter, Managing Editor and Editor-in-Chief for over 25 years. He has already authored two books: “The Tears of the Horizon” a romantic novel, as well as “The Winter of Discontent in The Gulf” (1991) about the first Gulf War when Saddam Hussein took over Kuwait.
“My goal with this book is to provide a fair and balanced view on a very important, sensitive and long running conflict,” says Mr. Tabarani. Experts agree that the book is a fair and balanced piece, which makes it very rare in its kind.

Mr. Tabarani takes us on a trip back through the history of the Middle East reaching back into Biblical times. He discusses in detail the origins of both Zionism and the Palestinians as well as from which Biblical and historical sources the Jewish and the Palestinians factions base their claims to the former British mandate of Palestine.
The book develops and explains the substantial body of history required for meaningful understanding of the current troubles, it covers in detail the wars, conflicts and compromises, as well as their impacts and consequences on the Palestinian and the Jewish peoples, including the 1948 war, the Suez war in 1956, the Six-Day War in 1967, the 1973 War, the Lebanese Wars, and most recently the two Palestinian “Intifadas” (uprising)…

Furthermore, he argues and discusses in detail the issue of both Palestinian and Jewish refugees in addition to the political effects of those wars on the peace process, including the situation of the Palestinian Arabs citizens of Israel.
Moreover, Tabarani speaks in detail about the obstacles to a lasting peace, taking into consideration international involvement of various parties, including USA, EU, Russia and Iran. In addition, he discusses the economic and political viability of a Palestinian state in the West bank and in the Gaza Strip.

In his conclusion Tabarani comes to recommendations as to how to broker a stable peace in the Middle East. It is groundbreaking for a book to provide such a detailed course of action that can help all parties involve to reach a lasting peace.
This book (452 Pages) can be found and bought by Internet on,  or,  or  or,  or,  or  or,  or,, . The book can be found too at Ingram Book Group and its affiliates and other distributors in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, and around the world.
 For more information you can contact:
 Joven Morales
 Marketing Advisor
 Author House
 1663 Liberty Drive, Suite 200
 Bloomington, IN 47403, USA
 Tel: 1-888-519-5121
 Fax: 1-812-349 0807

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